STAT!Ref’s Primal Pictures resources are the most complete, detailed and accurate 3D models of the human anatomy available anywhere. ANATOMY.TV is an award-winning, internet-based solution that is an evidence-based interactive online learning tool used for patient, practitioner and student education. The proof is in the numbers…

  • Used in over 20 countries
  • Available in over 600 universities and colleges
  • Used by over 500,000 students learning anatomy and by many thousands of practitioners in all specialties

Derived from real human data, ANATOMY.TV provides over 5,000 3D anatomical structures, clinical slides, dissections, animations and much more. To supplement the core three-dimensional anatomy data, are clinical videos and text written by some of the world’s leading medical specialists. We’re confident ANATOMY.TV will work for you too. 

Atv handout

Key Features:

  • STAT!Ref is the only healthcare database that can cross-search ANATOMY.TV from Primal Pictures
  • 3D modeling of all structures
  • Ability to rotate the model 360 degrees and add or remove layers of anatomy
  • Link to relevant text, dissections, clinical slides, diagrams, video clips & MRI Scans
  • Patient information for the practicing clinician

To learn more, click here to watch a quick overview video about ANATOMY.TV or click here to contact STAT!Ref to speak to a dedicated Primal Pictures Specialist today.


