STAT!Ref Newest Title Editions

Did you know that several of STAT!Ref’s resources are updated often, sometimes with supplemental updates monthly? To stay aware, you can always find supplemental updates, along with new titles and editions, via the STAT!Ref website by clicking here. Updates are always automatically available within your subscription, with no extra work, no change in access and at no extra cost to you.

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In the meantime, please browse the following new STAT!Ref editions to see if any of these updates pertain to titles that you have or would like to include in your subscription.

  • With updated hospital standards, The 2017 Joint Commission and CMS Crosswalk: Comparing Hospital Standards and CoPs offers easy access to the full—and current—language of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) hospital Conditions of Participation (CoPs), and demonstrates their equivalency with the Joint Commission’s hospital standards. The crosswalks in this guide can help hospital staff identify how policies, procedures, and practices support one or more Joint Commission standards and demonstrate compliance with equivalent CMS regulations.
  • Designed to prepare an educated clinical workforce, Electronic Health Records: Understanding and Using Computerized Medical Records is the complete “learn by doing” text for everyone who must use an electronic health records (EHR) system, including doctors, nurses, medical assistants, physician assistants, and other medical office staff. Updated to reflect the latest EHR rules, regulations, and innovations, this new edition contains even more hands-on exercises that use real EHR software to transform theoretical EHR concepts into practical understanding.
  • Revised, updated, and enhanced from cover to cover, the Sixth Edition of Greenfield’s Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice remains the gold standard text in the field of surgery. It reflects surgery’s rapid changes, new technologies, and innovative techniques, integrating new scientific knowledge with evolving changes in surgical care. Updates to this edition include new editors and contributors, and a greatly enhanced visual presentation. Balancing scientific advances with clinical practice, Greenfield’s Surgery is an invaluable resource for today’s residents and practicing surgeons.
  • The bible of family practice for primary care students and clinicians, the fourth edition of Family Practice Guidelines has been is updated to include new evidence-based guidelines for rheumatology, public health, the sports physical exam and interventions, endocrinology, new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for health maintenance, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) assessment and management, restless legs syndrome, sexual dysfunction treatment, psychiatric disorders and updated patient teaching guides.

If you have any questions about these resources, or if there is anything we can help you with at all, please call 800-901-5494 or fill out this form to speak with a STAT!Ref Team Member today.

