Improve Learning Outcomes and Long Term Retention of Information with PALMs

PALMs, or Perceptual-Adaptive Learning Modules, from Med Insight LT, are a revolutionary advanced learning technology using a patented combination of perceptual and adaptive sequencing based on both accuracy and speed of learners to improve learning and retention of information over regular didactic methods. Click here to set up a quick webinar to review this revolutionary learning technology or see below to learn why it works and what others are saying about PALMs.

Med Insight LT has been at the forefront of researching how the brain learns for over twenty years. See below or details about why this patented technology works. And, see the PALMs Studies and Publications document with research, studies and applications of proven PALMs patented algorithm and design effectiveness in a variety of educational settings.

Optimized Spacing and Sequencing
Their patented adaptive learning technology tailors learning to the individual, using past and current performance to optimize the spacing and sequencing of learning events. Their automated sequencing procedures guarantee that items will not be repeated too soon or too late, both of which can impede learning.

Systematic Approach to Pattern Recognition
PALMs offer, for the first time, systematic ways of teaching pattern recognition. PALMs targeting crucial domains in mathematics and science have been shown to have powerful, long-lasting effects on students’ learning.

Adaptive Sequencing & Spacing
At the heart of their modules are patented procedures for determining the order that items appear in during a learning session. The Med Insight LT algorithm takes into account both the accuracy and speed of the learner on various learning items to determine what appears next in order to optimize the learning. Their automated sequencing procedures guarantee that less well-learned items will return sooner, whereas better-learned items are spaced further apart. The algorithm attempts to space out presentations for as long as possible, fostering long-term retention of the material.

adaptive-response-time-based-sequencing copy
How Adaptive Sequencing Algorithms Work

Perceptual Learning
PALMs learning modules target perceptual learning. Students gain the ability to “see” patterns and relationships in mathematics and other domains. Perceptual learning is an important component of expertise and often overlooked in traditional classroom instruction.

“I have been exposed to 3 or 4 ECG software programs, and the PALMs software had the cleanest interface, and presents efficient learning based on sound conceptual framework. I think our medicine residents would certainly benefit from it.” JW, MD, Chief Resident, Ronald Reagan – UCLA Medical Center

“I found the module to be extremely helpful. It kept me engaged while I was learning the [dermatology] morphologies rather than staring passively at pictures. I wish more of these types of modules could be incorporated into the curriculum.”CB, MS2, David Geffen School of Medicine

Click here to contact us or call 1-800-901-5494 to inquire about this new resource available for academic and institutional clients, and learn how it can be applied to your curricula, classes and labs.