Online Exam Preparation Resources from TDS Health

Did you know TDS Health offers many premium test preparation resources to help your students be as prepared as possible to pass their certification exams? No matter how niche their field of interest might be, we’re here to help prepare your students for test day. See below to learn more about our online exam preparation tools and click here to sign up for your free demo today!

Support your students studying remotely with these Exam Prep Resources from TDS Health:

BoardVitals helps healthcare practitioners train for licensing, board certification, and in-service exams in over 70 health and medical specialties. Learn more about this high-quality, effective and powerful board review tool that can be used anytime and anywhere via a phone, tablet or computer.

Cram Fighter helps thousands of medical students each year to organize their study resources and prepare for medical board exams. With Cram Fighter, students free up hours of time, versus creating and managing a study plan by hand or in Excel. Read more about how Cram Fighter supports hundreds of study resources for the milestone exams that med students must take.

MedCram medical illustrations explain and clarify key concepts without bogging your students down with excessive information. They prioritize the most important information for exam preparation and clinical practice. MedCram lecturers Dr. Seheult and Dr. Jacquet are renowned instructors with the experience and skill to take your students’ medical understanding to the next level.

Pharmacology World videos are a series of videos that can help your students prepare for course exams and national licensing exams. With a robust collection of 50 different videos and over 12 hours of content your students will master the key concepts of pharmacology as well as improve their retention.

Picmonic is an audiovisual study tool for students in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, physician assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy, paramedic, and many other healthcare programs. Its research-proven methodology incorporates the best study techniques by transforming need-to-know facts into memorable stories and characters. Picmonic’s comprehensive learn-quiz-review study app system provides extensive coverage of topics, facts, and concepts that students need to learn to succeed in school and easily pass their boards and certification exams.

Please let us know when we can discuss your needs and how our tools can help. Simply contact us and a resource specialist from TDS Health will be in touch. 
