Continuously Updating Content Within STAT!Ref

Did you know that STAT!Ref has 50 titles with supplemental updates, meaning that they get updated at least once per year? Many are updated monthly. See the full list on our website. And, as always, updates are automatically available within your subscription time frame, with no extra work, no change in access and at no extra cost to you.

Top titles updated frequently, some monthly, include all of the resources from Decker, namely Decker: Medicine and Decker: Surgery among others. Other top titles with monthly updates include Essential Evidence Plus (EE+) & AHFS DI EssentialsMerck Manual Professional VersionClinical Checklist®, Lab Advisor™ and DrugPoints® SystemA-to-Z Supplement Reference and Research DigestThe Joint Commission Environment of Care NewsThe Joint Commission: The SourceThe Review of Natural Products and more.

Titles that are updated quarterly include NANOS Examination Techniques (NExT) for Neuro-Ophthalmology with Walsh & Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology and NANOS Illustrated Curriculum for Neuro-Ophthalmology with Walsh & Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-OphthalmologyAdolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews (AM:STARs) Adolescent Contraception: Basics and Beyond is updated bi-annually.

And, guaranteed to update annually are the titles INFECTIOUS DISEASES: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and PreventionICD-10-CM: Code ModificationICD-10-PCS: Procedure Coding System and CDT: Current Dental Terminology.

And, of course, all STAT!Ref title database subscribers receive STAT!Ref-McMasters Evidence Alerts and STAT!Ref-Reuters Health Medical News free of charge, providing breaking news and evidence-based research to be received on a timeline of your choosing.

Please call one of our representatives at 800-901-5494 or fill out this form to discuss what updates you may have in your subscription and how you can make your users aware of this feature.



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